Written by: Mary Reichter

Every day I create with my hands. I am a creative person. Using my hands to create colorful watercolor and mixed-media paintings, crochet items for others, sewing projects. Not a day goes by where I am not using my hands to create.

I realized years ago that we are all given gifts but it is what we do with these gifts that can not only enhance our lives but others lives as well.

Recently I was told that my artwork gave someone joy in their heart when they encountered it. Just seeing her joy made my heart sing. The work of my hands gave someone joy.

Being able to give others joy, inspiration just by creating truly makes my heart sing. This is the fruit of my labor.

Working with your hands enables you to do things for others that they might not be able to do for themselves. Using our gifts to bring joy, smiles, inspiration and love to others is God’s wish for all of us.

Your gifts will not look like my gifts or your neighbor’s gifts. Nevertheless, your gifts are very much needed and should be used for others.

Have you ever delved into knowing what gifts god has given you and how you can use them to better our world. There are many ways you can discern your unique gifts.

  • Spiritual Direction

  • Called and Gifted Workshop

  • Enneagram

  • Strength Finders

  • And the list could go on.

What truly can be the Fruit of Your Labor by working with your hands, your head, your body? How can you be Christ to others?

My artwork is a labor of love. Love because I know God gave me the gift of creativity and wants my versions of creation out in the world for others to enjoy.

One of the things I have done with my collage artwork is use it for Visual Divina at the women’s prison in Mitchellville. I was able to take my artwork into a faith-sharing group we held on Sunday mornings (pre-Covid).

The stories and prayers from the women brought tears to my eyes but what really amazed me was how each woman was able to pull what the Spirit knew they needed from my little artworks.

So I leave you this 4 x 6 collage prayer card. How do you use your gifts to be the hands and feet of Christ?

JOIN Mary at the CALLED AND GIFTED study this Lent at OLIH!