• Are you happy?
  • Do you know what makes you happy?
  • Do you know what gets in the way of your happiness?

I know the answer to all these questions for myself. Yes, I am happy, most of the time, but there are times when I let resistance get in the way of doing what helps me to be happy.

I like how Matthew Kelly shares that prayer, exercise and jumping into the day are the things that will help him to have a fabulous day, yet resistance is present every morning calling to him. I would say that for me prayer, exercise and a healthy breakfast are the three things I know will jump start and affect my whole day, yet the lure of hitting the snooze or talking myself into “I’ll go walking later” or checking facebook, email or anything else ‘real quick’ or just grabbing a breakfast bar as I run out the door will immediate derail my morning and possibly my day. I know this, yet resistance has power and will take over if given the chance.

  • What are the three things for you that help you to jump start your day, or is the “bulletproof recipe for me to exponentially increase my chances of having a fabulous day” (page 8)?
  • How does resistance call to you?**