Reflection authored by Jeannie Burlingame, Parishioner

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted-Matthew 23:12.

How many times, have your felt the Lord humble you? I know I have and I am grateful, when he does.  I’ve had times when I’ve seen someone do something or say something and I think, wow, I would never do or act like that, then sure enough-God sends a set of circumstances my way and I just know, he is revisiting that with me. That’s when I smile, look up and say to the Lord, ok, o.k. I got it . Thank you,  I’m sorry.  

I get a kick out of those times. Because of those times, I now do a “little bit” better job of being more aware and catching myself. It comforts me, and reinforces what I know –

He is always with me, just as he promised.

 and wants me to walk in His ways.

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It is even in simple ways such as that- that we can BEAR FRUIT for the Lord, by being open and asking him to transform our hearts and lives, to make us more humble.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta said: Humility is the mother of all virtues. It is in being humble that our love becomes real, devoted and ardent

Wow, that is profound. I Love that!  When I read that, my 3 year old granddaughter Nora, comes to my mind and the LOVE I have for her. It does make me feel REAL, DEVOTED and ARDENT (I feel passionate, committed, and dedicated to her). I would pour out my entire self if she needed me too. This is the love through humility that we need to take into the world.  John 3:30 He must increase; I must decrease. Let’s ask in prayer, that he provide us with opportunities- to decrease, that he might increase.

Everyone needs to be clear - Humility does not mean thinking poorly of oneself- God does not make junk!

God said Love thy neighbor as thy self. He did not say better or instead of yourself…

True humility is knowing who you are in the eyes of God. The greatest risk any of us will ever take –is to be seen as we truly are. Have Courage. God says we are his Beloved Sons and Daughters.

We need to REMEMBER that, always… Be Kind- for we are made in the image and likeness of God.

Humilities counterpart is magnanimity “greatness of spirit.”It’s about seeking greatness in one’s life - God calls us to this every day!

We will never be perfectly humble, but we must strive to be. Mary (the first follower of Christ) is the perfect example of Humility. We should ask her into our heart each and every day and ask her to take us into her sacred heart, to help her satiate her son’s thirst.

Psalm 145:18 “ The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.  

Humility is Truth. We must live in the truth.

Call on him….