Written by Patty Mayer

I once heard a homily where the priest shared that purgatory is what happens as we reconcile who we became with who God created us to be. That has made a profound impact on me.

How close am I to the person God created me to be? How easily do I follow His will in my life?

A few years ago I did the Called and Gifted workshop and found it to be fascinating. But I find learning about people and their personalities fascinating… I know that I’m an INFJ on the Myers-Briggs, a 9 on the Enneagram, and an S on the DISC. Strength finders tells me my top 5 strengths are relator, empathy, responsibility, achiever, and self-assurance. Knowing all these “results” helps me to take a closer look at myself, but they don’t really tell me who I am.

Called and Gifted was a little different in the fact that, although you take the inventory, you take the results to discernment. No piece of paper is going to give you the answers, but through story-telling and some tough Q&A you begin to discover the spiritual gifts you have the ones you do not have.

What exactly are spiritual gifts? They are the giftedness that God gives us for the people around us. At Confirmation we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit for ourselves, and we receive these spiritual gifts that help us to build the body of Christ as we use these gifts for the benefit and growth of others.

I have discerned several gifts and have found where I lack in giftedness and I need to surround myself with others who can help me with the gifts and skills I don’t have. Thank God for our administrative staff – they help me get the details done!

I have also found where I am gifted, such as meeting with people where they are and listening to their stories. I have strangers walk up to me almost anywhere I go and start talking to me. Back in May I was at a Pizza Ranch out of town and a gentleman came up and started to tell me about how he just got off the phone with his son and the storm that just rolled through hit his house and farm. He was recounting for me all the damage that was done. When, I told him I would pray for him, he said, “don’t worry about it, what’s done is done,” then he walked away with his plate of pizza and we never spoke again. Some people come into my office to talk about business and end up telling me their life story. There are many tears cried in my office, and lot of laughter too!

As I lean into my giftedness I welcome the holy disruptions to my day and pay attention to how God is working in that person. Even more, I begin to see and become wholeheartedly aware of how God works through me. I am truly His hands, feet, voice to those I meet each day.

Our gifts should lead us closer to who God created us to be. As we lean into our giftedness, life feels and looks different – the way I described it for my Spiritual Director is I feel like I “fit” the world around me better than I did before. Leaning into my gifts brings joy to both myself and the people around me.

As I live into my spiritual gifts I find myself filled with joy as I witness people coming closer to Jesus.

What brings you joy?

To learn more about YOUR Spiritual Gifts join us for Called and Gifted THIS LENT: Check out the details HERE