Ignatius: Emotional Intelligence

“Are you an emotionally intelligent person?”

Today’s Guest Blogger is: Barb Bennett, Barb is a parishioner at OLIH, a Spiritual Director, and a lover of all things Ignatian!

Emotional intelligence sounds pretty lofty and the author refers to reading the Spiritual Exercises. I suggest that, for me, it is more accurate to say I pray the Exercises using Scripture.

When you pray in this way you will learn to think with your heart and begin making choices based on where your heart leads.  I like to say that I always ask before making a decision - will this lead me closer to the heart of God. Am I choosing love?

This is one of many gifts you receive when praying and experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, but it is an important change when you learn to pay attention to what you are feeling or the emotions that well up within you.

Over the years I have been blessed to not only pray the Exercises but also to facilitate and walk with others who are opening themselves to this great gift.  Believe me when I say it is life changing, in a very good way. Not just your heart but your eyes will be opened in new ways and you will not experience yourself, the world, or others around you in the same way again.

Some days paying attention to my thoughts and feelings are harder than others.  Recently my husband has experienced some significant changes in his health.  We are used to that after many years, but this time we were days away from heading south for the next three months.  We had made some arrangements for health care, but I was waking at 3 in the morning day after day stressed and anxious about how we could care for him in the current situation.  I had to find a way. Sunny, 70s and beaches had to be a good plan for us!

However, when I took all this to prayer and really started asking myself why it was so important. If it was the right answer why was I experiencing so much anxiety? It didn’t take very long to realize this was really all about what I wanted, my ego, my needs. When I looked at the situation through the eyes and heart of love I knew what the right answer had to be and acted on it the same day. We are both at peace with the decision.

Paying attention to your feelings and emotions and making choices out of love will move you closer to the heart of God. However, you may have to stay in the cold and snow!