Francis of Assisi: Dissatisfied

“What are you dissatisfied with at this time in your life?”

Today’s Guest Blogger is Patty Mayer, Director of Adult Faith Formation, Coordinator of the Becoming Catholic (RCIA) process, and Spiritual Director. (Images are from my trip to Assisi, Italy in 2018.)


It never ceases to amaze me how God works in our lives.  Several years ago my ministry felt like a job. I was definitely dissatisfied. I went to a women’s conference in search of renewal.  As the day progressed I wasn’t feeling anything, so I went to the adoration chapel, fell to my knees crying, and asked “what do you want of me, Lord?” I heard a voice say “meet me in the chapel at 4:00.”

Oddly, I knew exactly what that meant. I put if off for a few days, trying to rationalize, but I could not forget that voice, nor could I ignore the deep pull I felt to go to the chapel. Deep in my heart I knew God was calling me to something bigger than I could imagine for myself. I began meeting God in the chapel for an hour at the end of my work day. “What do you want of me, Lord, where do you want me to serve you?” Some days I just sang those two lines over and over until I was ready to listen.  Almost daily I heard, or felt: “there is something better coming, but not yet.” The more I trusted it was in God’s hands, the more peace I felt.


I did my daily holy hour for over a year.  Then one day I walked into the chapel, and in place of my fervent prayer for direction, I fell asleep.  What changed? I had sent my resume to OLIH.  I knew when I awoke that God had put into motion the answer to my prayers.   

What do you do when you are dissatisfied with your life? Where do you turn?