Reflection authored by Joyce Clawson, Associate Director of Faith Formation 1st - 5th grades

After reading this chapter, I find myself thinking about what the priorities I have in my life.  Justin Fatica listed four: faith, family, fruitfulness and fun.  I don’t know that I have ever “listed” or thought about priorities by specifically listing them; instead, I have always focused on the Great Commandment as a guide post for me: to love God with your whole heart and soul.  Once that was my center, everything else just fell naturally into place.  Does this mean I consider myself perfect-that I always do everything just right?  By no means!  But I do find it to be that solid, grounding force/premise.  It’s been my focus to return to it when my “human-ness” comes into play.  But after reading this chapter, I am going to challenge myself to broaden and expand upon that One Commandment and to possibly list priorities that I hope I do have.  I want to be able to recognize what happens in my life because of these priorities.  Will these priorities change?  Remain constant?  Enhance my relationship with God and people in my life?  This new priority is to make it so!