Reflection authored by Dwight Whitlatch, Parishioner

One of the benefits of being an older adult is that we have a chance to look back on our life to see the crooked road we have traveled along with a lot of the detours and dead ends.  And there were a great number of U-turns as well.  Always struggling to find my own path, I have finally realized that God has a much better plan for my life than I ever could come up with. 

Now that is not to say that I see clearly what God’s plan is for me in the future or even the day.   I usually begin my day with a little news, coffee and breakfast with some prayer time or morning Mass.  Then sit in the office to plan my day as I see how it should play out.  The most peaceful days are the ones where I tell the Lord, this is the plans I have for the day, may I gratefully accept your plans should they be different.  Not doing this, I often feel anger and resentment for whatever upset my plans instead of being grateful and open to see just why the Lord’s plans were there for an opportunity to help or be a witness to someone.

Being a Vietnam Combat Vet, I feel so grateful for many things that we take for granted.  Gratefulness is so important to recognize that God wants us to use our time and talents for others.  Especially this time of the Covid restrictions, it is easy to think of all the negative things and then I realize that I appreciate the little things we have, a warm bed, clean water to drink, cold soda, plenty of food, comfort of a loving wife and family and so many other things.  I often think of the song I’m Alive by Kenny Chesney and the words ,  “Breathing In And Out It’s A Blessing Can’t You See.”

Let me take the opportunity to encourage you to use what you do have to be open to the Lord’s call to let your problems be an opportunity to reach out to others rather than being discouraged.  Pray to understand God’s plan for your life and let Him in to be a part of your day.   One of my favorite sayings is;

 “What Part Of Not Being In Charge Do You Not Understand”. 
