Reflection authored by Nancy Breitkreutz, Parishioner

Gratefulness to me is all about recognizing all of our blessings.  God has given us so much! How can we not be full of thanksgiving? It is hard to imagine the size of His love for us.

This chapter on gratitude has helped me to reflect on people and experiences that I cherish.  As I did this, I realized LOVE is the center of all my gratefulness.  Our family fills my heart and soul with love. The many memories we have made together over the years sustain me, especially during this pandemic.  Our fabulous friends have been a wonderful support system through joys and sorrows. Our church faith community is a beacon of hope and joy. We are blessed!

G-Gratefulness is choosing joy, even in times of stress, loss and disappointment.

R-Recognizing the God moments

A-Always aware of your blessings

T-Taking time for prayer

E-Ever faithful to our God

F-Forgiving others and yourself

U-Understanding all we go through, prepares us for what is ahead

L-Life is a gift. Use it wisely.

N-New challenges lead to new ways to be grateful

E-Ever striving to serve others

S-Staying hopeful

S-Savoring the beauty all around us!

May we be open to joy and experience gratefulness each day!

Questions to ponder:

1.      What fills you with gratitude?

2.      How do you find the good in the hard to accept?

3.      Where do you go for support when you are struggling to be grateful?