Reflection authored by: Vicki Berberich, Parishioner

““Are you kidding me?” Those are the thoughts I had one cold winter night sitting in the OLIH Daily Mass Chapel with my women’s faith sharing group. I had opened my heart to the group that I was really struggling with a colleague.

This person I felt was looking for opportunities to be negative with me. I was coming to work feeling sick that they would come to my office to “chat” then criticize anything they possibly could!

I knew I needed to do something but was at a loss on how to handle. Here I was sitting in the chapel at church and one of my faith sharing friends looked me in the eyes with such love and said “Vicki you need to pray for this person.” “What are you kidding me”? How can I pray for them! I took in those words and I think that night I didn’t sleep a wink! I know my friends words were just what I needed to hear. I know that the Holy Spirit was keeping me up that night I felt the nudge and I listened.

I started to pray for this person. I prayed for them, prayed for their family, prayed for my heart to soften, I prayed for the courage to go talk to this person.

I did just that, I set up a meeting to visit with them. I asked my faith sharing friends to pray for me at the time we were meeting. I prayed before I went into the meeting.

At the meeting I know without a doubt it was God’s words and the prayers of my friends that came from my mouth. I shared with this person how I felt. That day everything changed the heavens opened up and I felt Love. It was by the power of prayer and love that I could open my heart and see the good in this person.

It’s not easy to “Love Know Matter What” it’s not easy to pray for someone whose hurt us. Although I would ask that you pray on it, ask others to pray with you and for you. Prayer is an amazing powerful blessing.

My prayer for all of you is try praying for those who have hurt you….you may be as surprised as I was!


·         Is there someone in your life that is hard to “love no matter what”?

·         Would you consider starting to pray for that person? Ask others to pray with you and for you.

·         Maybe you’ve hurt someone, pray on it, ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance, mayand maybe consider reaching out to them.

Dear Lord it’s not easy to Love no know matter what. Open my heart and soul to love others as you love me.