Reflection authored by Randy Henderson, Director of Youth Ministry

      On page 119 Justin Fatica writes, “God kept the Israelites moving through the desert by giving them quail and manna every night and morning, and just enough for one serving each so they couldn’t store it up.”    

  What does it mean to receive “just enough” for one day?  When we pray the Our Father, we find a line that echoes this experience of being fed in the desert: “Give us this day, our daily bread.” Wouldn’t we feel more secure, more prepared, and ready to face the future if God gave us what we needed today plus some extra?    Perhaps the answer to this question is that there could never be enough food, enough money or “security” of any kind that would satisfy our true hunger.  So what are we really hungry for? 

      In chapter 24 of our Christmas book, “You’re Amazing,” Justin Fatica suggests that food, true food is about “remembering” how much God loves us.  The word “remember,” means to “put back together.” and through the eyes of faith, “to make present again.” Fatica suggests building a tradition of inviting people to enjoy Mass together and then share breakfast with each other.  We are hungry for connection, especially through this pandemic.  We are hungry to remember how much God loves us and how much community helps us live THIS day with the most love, charity, justice and peace that only Christ can provide.  Let us come to the table together!