Reflection authored by: Debbie Landuyt, Parishioner

The first time I heard anyone mention praying an hour a day was at my first Christian Experience Weekend 30 years ago.  I was a young mom working full-time with two young children and a husband in college.  Pray an hour a day?  Are you crazy?  Most days I didn't feel I had a minute to spare, let alone an hour!  Needless to say, I was one of the disciples Jesus found sleeping.

Through the years, I've worked on adding concentrated prayer into my day, many times with good intentions that faded when life got in the way.  I filled my hours with things I deemed more important to daily life and keeping a household running.  Yes, I had times when I "worked prayer into my day," with things like the Examen, the rosary or silence but focused, intentional time of sitting with God wasn't happening. 

Fast forward 27 years (yes, some us are slow learners), to no kids at home, a working husband and many attempts at a consistent prayer time.  Recovery from shoulder surgery was taking longer than expected and, after a couple weeks, I wondered how I'd spend my time.  Not being a TV watcher, I considered adding daily scriptures to my reading material.  I hate to admit one of my initial thoughts was, "I don't have anything better to do."  I started using Give Us This Day to pray the daily readings and journal my reflections.  Three years later this is a nearly daily practice, although there are days I find myself either "too busy" or "not in the mood."  Most days it's only 30 minutes, but at least I'm finally making headway.

A request to blog about this book took me to prayer and this was my reflection the day I said "yes."

"Here it is Thursday and I haven’t prayed the daily readings or journaled since Monday. That might explain my feelings of imbalance these last few days. Beginning the day with God changes things, it shifts me into right vision.  It's far too easy to slip away and sometimes hard to get back, yet God is always patiently waiting.

The readings today (December 10) fall on ears that hear only words and aren’t reaching my heart.  Perhaps I'm distracted with the idea of writing a blog.  I need to open myself to the Spirit’s call to a particular chapter and I haven’t heard it yet. The first words of Isaiah 41:13-20 actually strike me now as they didn’t at first.  I am the Lord, your God, who grasp your right hand; It is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”  I sit here with tears in my eyes, shaking my head and wondering when I will ever comprehend the fullness of my relationship with God. There are always signs I miss when I think I need to make a decision.  I prayed for the Spirit to guide me to the right chapter but, obviously, I kept my hands on things.  I hadn’t reached out to be led by God’s  hand.  I'm afraid I'll fall short on this assignment yet He says, "Fear not, I will help you."  Lord, I place this decision in Your hands knowing I'll be guided to write what You want.”

I continue praying with scripture and following God's lead.  I'm praying how God calls me to and He calls you in a unique way, too.  Having time to pray an hour daily is great but if it means snippets throughout the day, keep praying.  It's a start and eventually you'll be able to spend the entire hour awake with Jesus.


“The wish to pray is a prayer in itself.”  ~ George Bernanos

“God speaks in the silence of the heart.  Listening is the beginning of prayer.” ~ Mother Teresa

“Pray as you can, not as you can't.” ~ Dom Chapman


  • If you are interested in using “Give Us This Day” contact Tom Primmer to be added to our parish bulk mailing order. only $20 a year.

  • CEW is typically held in February. This year, due to COVID, we are not offering CEW. The CEW Community is instead having a renewal day for all! Join us Saturday, February 6 9:00am to 3:00pm - virtually or in-person (subject to change to all virtual if needed). Then join us for a full CEW in February 2022!