Reflection authored by Jean Black, Parishioner

So many words in this chapter spoke to me.  First, that Jesus was people focused.  So – If we say we love God, but we forget about the people around us, then do we really love him?  “If anyone says, ‘I love God’, but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.  This is the commandment we have for him: whoever loves God must also love his brother” (1 John 4:20-21)

I have to remind myself daily of the love given me and the love I am called to give.  Some days I fail, but I have to keep trying.  There are so many daily interactions that I am given and if I am not aware of the needs of others, I fail to meet these opportunities to show love.  It’s as easy (or difficult) as remembering to greet each day with thoughts of love – love for myself, for those closet to me (friends and family) and those I meet.  I can make the choice daily to love or not. 

I was recently presented with an opportunity to watch for needs outside those close to me.  Last fall, when I was taking my daily walk, I saw a $5.00 bill blowing in the wind toward the pond water.  It stopped close to me.  I picked it up and put it in my pocket.  When I got home, I put it on the counter thinking I could donate it later.  Later, I picked it up and realized it was a $50.00 bill not a $5.00 bill, I vowed to make sure it was to be used wisely in remembrance of the person that had lost it.  For months, even over Christmas, I waited and watched for the right moment to make a difference and show love to someone.  Nothing presented an opportunity to share it.  Last week, one morning before 9:00 am I was waiting in my car for a store to open, when I saw a lady who appeared to be homeless go to an outside trash can.  She was going through some of the trash, took an object out and ate it.  I didn’t have my $50.00 with me.  I had only brought my credit card and $10.00 with me.  I took the $10.00, walked over to her and gave it to her, told her to have a good day.  She thanked me exclaiming “God Bless You” over and over as I walked away.  The love she shared with her heartfelt words for me reminded me how much we are all loved.  I have thought of her and prayed for her every day since.  She moved me to remember to love and give thanks for the small as well as large encounters I have in my life.  Sometimes it’s hard not to judge other, but that’s not for me to do.  I’m sure she used the money well, but again, that was not for me to judge.  I felt bad that I didn’t have more with me to give, but I feel that was what I was meant to do.

Every day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I will try to focus on the new day, the love God has given me, and the HAPPY memories I’ve stored from those who have loved me and for Jesus’ love for me.

I recently read:

“Happiness is like a bank account:  You withdraw from it, what you deposit.”  Just in the same way Jesus loves me and asks me to love others.  Every day I can make a choice to be HAPPY or NOT. 

So remember to:

1. Free your heart from hate/discord

2. Free your mind from worries

3. Live simply

4. Give more

5. Take less

And most of all LOVE!!