Reflection authored by Fr Michael Amadeo, Pastor OLIH

In the first weeks of arriving at the parish, a parishioner asked me a question he frequently inquires of many individuals:  What is your passion?   The question astounded me for one is rarely voiced in an initial introduction and I had not given serious reflection to it for a number of years.

In exploring the answer to the question, I first needed to acknowledge the gifts and talents in which I was blessed. Furthermore, I needed to ask myself if I was using the gifts and talents for my own selfish desires or for the good of others.  

A friend of mine is passionate about pottery and over the years I have seen many of her exquisite creations.  She finds great serenity in her studio working with clay at any stage: shaping, decorating, or firing it.  The time in her studio is sacred for her.  In that holy dwelling she encounters the Divine, she hears the voice of God gently and faithfully speaking to her.   

Making works of art is my friend’s passion, one that brings her happiness.  Such a state is deepened when she shares her handiwork with others.  Creating in her studio gives my friend life, and also provides joy to others as she frequently gifts her work to others. 

What is your passion?  An important question that is worthy of time spent in contemplation.

Each one of us has interests and desires, talents and gifts.  The specific passions in which we have been blessed are to give God glory.  Subsequently in sharing our passion it brings delight and happiness to others.

What is my passion? The question still causes me to pause and enter into serious reflection. Through the prayerfulness of the upcoming season of Lent may each of us articulate our passions, and in doing so bring joy into the life of another.