“Growing Pains”

Our relationship with God in our inner life will change.  This is a real relationship and there are times as comfortable as we may become with God, where God will beckon us into new territory, new surroundings and new ways of deepening our relationship. 

We may feel a strong sense that we can longer anticipate “where” this is going.  We may not be able to “do” what we did before and leave us feeling unsure of what’s to come. This can be frightening as well as exciting.   

How might we live and even thrive in the awareness that the relationship we’ve come accustomed to is changing? 

This powerful scripture from Psalm 46:10 offered, “Be still and know that I am God.” 

Persistence in Prayer

Being still doesn’t mean that there isn’t movement.  When we need to reorient ourselves and await directions, we are actually doing a lot!  While we may be tempted to live and pray in ways that once seemed to work really well, our invitation may be to wait on God’s directions.

As we discussed last week, we should P.U.S.H and take comfort in the deep trust that has already been built between us and God.

Too often our emotions get the in the way of the P.U.S.H. We become discouraged by God’s delayed answer or by the situation we are in. When this happens, we begin to doubt that anything will come from our prayers possibly causing us to stop praying over the situation. But we must stay strong and remember to push past our feelings and be persistent in our prayers.

What is a prayer routine that generally works for you?  What is a form or type or time of prayer you’ve been interested in but haven’t yet tried?  Consider this the nudge to give it a try!