Scripture Reflection with Fr. James Downey

Fr. James Downey

Dear friends,

A couple I am close to have invited me to join them at the hospital on the occasion of the birth of each of their five children. They gave me the sacred privilege of holding that tiny, fragile, and beautiful life in my arms.  Other couples have given me a similar sacred opportunity, to hold a newborn child in my arms. 

After a child is baptized I have the opportunity to hold a young child in my arms and lift them heavenward. As I introduce the child to the Christian community, we are reminded of the sacredness of the human life that is before them. A life that requires attention while still in the mother’s womb and will continue to require care and guidance throughout the child’s entire life.

Daily, we are called to care for and attend to our relationship with God.  We need to remember that each one of us is a beautiful child of God. We grow in the image and likeness of God by our time spent in prayer with God's word, gathering weekly with the Christian community, and through acts of and service to the wider community. 

Throughout this Advent season, we have reflected upon the dignity and beauty of a child within her mother's womb. We understand that from the moment of conception, this is a life that needs to be nurtured, protected, and tended to.  This attention is not only when the child is in the mother's womb, but continues after the birth of the child.

Just as we tend to the needs of a young child, we also tend to the inner life of our relationship with God, knowing that it is a very beautiful and sacred relationship. Over the course of the years we grow in that relationship. We grow in love of God and love of our neighbor.  We grow in understanding of God who is faithful, merciful, and continues to call us to new life every day of our lives.

To hold a child in one’s arms is a sacred honor; to open our arms, hearts, and our minds to God and his commands is also sacred. 

In this New Year, may our respect deepen for human life and our relationship with God.  May we grow in our desire to know, and to follow the Prince of Peace.