Read: Luke 23:33-47

I am always drawn to the words of Jesus “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” Forgiveness has been a theme in my life this last year. I’ve learned that forgiveness is not a once and done kind of thing, it’s a continual process of letting go. When I forgive someone it’s not reconciliation, it is releasing them from having a hold on my heart. When I forgive I regain control of my heart, my emotions and my actions. “I forgive you” is not to say everything is okay, but that I’m letting go of anger and bitterness tied to what you have done and I am choosing to not seek revenge. Will we go hang out after this? Probably not.  That would require reconciliation, which is very different. 

Who in your life do you need to forgive?

A side-note, as I read this scripture I am taken back to the last one I did – “Jesus doesn’t condemn” (John 8:1-11).  I see parallels here that I had not before.  Here Jesus is the one being condemned and sentenced to death.  Then there are the two criminals, one who condemns Jesus and the other who stands up for Jesus. The roles are switched, but the story is similar. Hmmm… I think this needs to go to prayer with me!

What drew your attention in this very packed reading?

Patty Mayer, Director of Adult Faith Formation