We had been granted permission by use images from the Saint John’s Illustrated Bible during Lent 2021. Now that Lent is over these images are no longer available for viewing. We encourage you to find your own images (try a google search) using the Gospel readings listed below or to turn this Visio Divina into a Lectio Divina opportunity. We are grateful to the Saint John’s Illustrated Bible for their cooperation with our project.

The Crucifixion Luke 23:33-43

VISIO DIVINA: Praying through Art

Visio divina, ‘divine seeing’, is a form of prayer where we  invite God to speak to our hearts as we look at an image. As you gaze at this artwork, you will be offered some questions for silent reflection, some of which may speak to you, while others you may choose to ignore. This is a wonderful form of prayer for the entire family to take part in together.

Spend about one minute in quiet (or with gentle music) gazing at this artwork. Simply be present to the image and allow it to speak to your heart, without any particular agenda. It might speak to you in words or wordlessly.

How do you feel looking at the image? 

From Luke 23: Jesus in divine light/gold -all the nations / all the people / all of creation is changed.

What awaits us at the foot of His Cross?

What dies with Him and what does the imminent resurrection promise?

Now, offer your prayers to God in a final moment of silence.