Bernard: In Search of Excellence

Are you committed to the pursuit of excellence?

Today’s Guest Blogger is: Jenni Gruenisen, life-long learner, mother, and a faith filled woman discerning her charisms!

“Be Excellent at Caring for Others”  

I don’t think God actually expects us to be excellent at everything in life. That’s why we are all unique; we are born with various talents, and given different charisms. (I can’t carry a tune, and I think God is good with that). But I do, however, think God wants us all to seek excellence by having a compassionate heart for others. He calls us to do just that in Matthew 25:31-46. “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me... Amen I say to you, what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me.” He wants us to be excellent at caring for others in need– to feed them, give them drink, clothe them, shelter them, and to care for them when they are sick or imprisoned. 

As you examine what needs reformed the most in your life, I challenge you to look here first. Most of us are pretty good at striving for excellence in the areas that directly impact us – think work, caring for our families, even our hobbies. But, are you pursuing excellence by living your life with a compassionate heart for all others? Especially those whom are different from you? Strangers? Are you like Matthew Kelly’s father – are you happy for those whom have had success? Can you empathize with those in situations you cannot fathom?   

God calls us to love our neighbor, and if we pursue excellence by having an open heart to care for others, we are simultaneously pursuing God.