Reflection authored by Dwight Whitlatch, Parishioner

Being an electrician for well over 47 years it is easier to diagnose the problem, fix it, and move on to the next job unconscious to the other people who are also involved.  Just GET-R-Done

Perhaps the struggles of growing up in brokenness left me the feeling that I have dealt with enough problems, experience my own pain which makes it easier to focus on the tasks at hand rather than the people around me.  It was easier to not see you as an individual in the crowd rather like looking at a forest and not seeing a single tree. 

That was the old me.  Through my growth in faith from various sources such as Marriage Encounter, CEW, my time understanding scripture though courses such as the Bible Timeline and the Activated Disciple, and especially my time spent riding with Jeff Cavins and the God Squad, have learned more to focus on those around me more than a task at hand. 

The first year I rode with Jeff Cavins and after one his talks a lady approached me to talk.  I quickly introduced her to a priest who was also riding with us.  I tried to escape from the corner that I was in and listened as the priest prayed over her and gave her a blessing. The priest moved on and I think it was at that time, the Lord tapped me on the head and told me to listen to her as she once again turned to me.  For whatever reason, the Holy Spirit gave me the words to pray comfort for her and witnessed a transformation in her eyes.   The lesson for me, BE OPEN TO BE MY DISCIPLE.

I know that I am blessed especially during this pandemic to meet people in their homes to not only to take care of electrical issues, but to also listen and give words of encouragement and yes to even pray for them.   Not always perfect at it and sometimes my head is filled with what parts do I need or how will I fix an issue and it takes another tap on the head from the Lord to instruct be to always be present to others in front of us no matter who or where they are.  Perhaps by Success will not be how many electrical issues I fix, but how many people I encourage to seek the Lord.   Pray that I see you even with a mask on!