Reflection authored by Bev Whitlatch, Parishioner

When Joyce Clawson asked me to write a blog on a couple of the chapters in this book, I immediately told her “You know I have trouble writing down my thoughts and feelings.” I just go blank. I have many empty journals in my prayer room upstairs that my friends have given me. I have trouble putting into words what I am thinking or feeling and if I would write them down the fear that someone would find them and read them and the strong German woman I portray would be gone.

But who can say no to Joycie? So here I am. I told her she could chose the chapter and when I saw what she had chosen “LEAD LIKE JESUS” I thought you’ve got to be kidding me!

I don’t like to be in the LEAD position even though many times I have been PROMOTED to that position. I love to be the doer. Give me a task and I will GET-R-DUN. Many of my friends call me the GET-R-DUN girl.

So back to the blog. As I think about LEADING LIKE JESUS, I remember years ago I came up with a MANTRA I try to say first thing in the morning and throughout the day when I find things challenging. I started it like this.

            “Jesus, give me the strength the be the person you want me to be.”

After going to a few retreats there would be discussions about sitting in silence and meditating while repeating a mantra or word that would help you to focus on what God wants for you and what you can do for God.

I used that Mantra for many years and then suddenly I read an article or heard someone say there is a big difference between WANT and NEED.

I thought long and hard about that and the next time I wanted to buy something like a new pair of shoes or something for the house I asked myself do I just WANT that or is it really something I NEED.

Then it really struck me the next time I meditated on my Mantra. Does Jesus just WANT me to be that person or does he NEED me to be the person on earth to be like Him and give me the strength to be that person. I came to the conclusion that many times even though I don’t WANT to be that person, Jesus NEEDS me to be the one who steps up and say yes to LEAD LIKE HIM.

The next time you notice your neighbor or friend may need something or you are asked to be involved in helping with church or community ask yourself WHAT WOULD JESUS DO. Does JESUS NEED YOU to LEAD LIKE HIM?