Reflection authored by Nancy Breitkruetz, Parishioner

Life throws lots of curve balls.  We have had a few.  Each new hurdle leaves us with a decision.  Do we despair and give up? Or do we look to God for assurance that better days are coming. At age 40, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  My mother had died from this disease when I was 27. I had done everything possible to avoid it, I thought.  This was a chance to be angry-- which I was, a time to scream, “Why me?” --which I did, but also an opportunity to say, “I am going to expect the best and beat this”.  With lots of excellent medical treatment, lots of help from family and friends, and lots of prayer the best happened.  For 28 years, I was cancer free.  Then, in July 2019, my routine mammogram was “iffy”. It was suggested I wait 6 months and redo the mammogram.  God whispered to me, “Get a second opinion”. My second opinion offered a biopsy to relieve my concerns.  I endured a couple of sleepless nights asking that this “cup could pass me by”. It was confirmed. I had a different cancer in the other breast. I was in shock. Me, again??? I was tearful as I told my family the diagnosis, and that this time I was choosing double mastectomy, not another lumpectomy. To me, this was a better chance that I might miss the third strike. Expecting the best

Again, with lots of excellent medical treatment, lots of help from family and friends, and lots of prayer; the best happened. My surgery was a success. I am being watched closely by my wonderful medical team. At this time, I am a two-time cancer survivor! I am very blessed!  I look forward, expecting the best. I know that God has a plan for me.


Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”


Questions to ponder:

1.      Have you had an experience where you chose to expect the best?

2.      How do you support others to expect the best in difficult situations?

3.      How does God have a plan for you?