From our Faith Formation Team:

Daily Service Challenge

Opening our hearts means several things, including serving others.  Jesus—this week help us to find small ways to love like you—by putting the needs of “the other” in front of our own.

Tuesday: Serve your Neighbors — decorate & write a card to your neighbors and deliver it, if it snows or gets icy—shovel or salt their sidewalk & driveway

Wednesday: Serve Your Neighbors —pray for your neighbors, give a quick (socially distanced) visit to see how they’re doing this Advent. See if there’s anything they need

Thursday: Serve your parish—write a note of thanks/Christmas card to a priest/staff member, participate in one of the charity drives at the parish

Friday: Serve your town/community—take a walk and pick up trash, smile at everyone you meet - you can smile with a mask on—use your eyes!

Saturday:  Serve the world—pray for the world and make a small donation to a reputable charity.

Open My Heart
by Joyce Clawson, Assistant Director of Faith Formation Grades 1-5

This week, we are called to open our hearts to God.  When you give your heart to God, you stop worrying about what you can’t control.  You are quiet, you listen,  you slow down and begin to trust; you let the “little things” roll off your back.  You know your heart is in a safe place and find comfort knowing God will never break or leave it.  You surrender.  As Matthew 6:21 tells us we need to put value into the right people and places and we will experience real love (Romans 5:8)  With all that is going on in our world currently, this can be a challenge but God is here, waiting for us to open our hearts to Him.  There is hope; lets channel our energies, to open  our hearts to His Divine Presence, Love and Peace. 

Please listen Yolanda Adams’ “Open My Heart