In today’s Gospel we hear the story of Joseph deciding to quietly divorce Mary so as to not expose her to shame. Then an angel comes to him in a dream “do not be afraid to take Mary into your home.” Do not be afraid. Fear causes our flight/fight/freeze response to take over. I know that for me I freeze more often than I take flight or fight. What about you? How do you respond to fear?

Joseph was going to flee, yet, as a righteous man he was taking steps to protect Mary. Fear causes us to not think rationally.  When we are living in fear our hearts are not open. So while he was sleeping the angel comes to Joseph and speaks to his heart. Upon waking Joseph is able to live without fear, even though the road ahead will be hard.  He trusts God’s plan for his life with Mary and Jesus.

What does it take for you to overcome your fear? Do you trust God’s plan in your life?

BONUS: Watch Joseph of Nazareth on