Are you ready? These last few weeks we have been hearing that we need to be ready, to be prepared. If Jesus were to appear today and separate the goats and the sheep which side would you be on? How have you cared for others this past year? How have you tended to your relationship with God?

2020 has been a tough year, one that many want to put behind us. Some people ask if 2020 is the apocalypse, the end of life as we know it. An apocalypse is an event of great destruction; it is also the Greek word for Revelation.  A revelation is an unveiling, a making known something that was hidden before.  After the derecho in August a friend posted a picture of a sunset from her home, she had never seen the sunset from her house before because of so many trees. The sunset had always been there it was just blocked from her view. Sometimes these events of great destruction are clearing a path, revealing something that was hidden before. Through all the bizarre events of 2020 we may be experiencing an apocalypse, the end of life as we knew it, as calendars were cleared and people were sent into isolation with their family unit. 2020 has challenged us to experience life differently, to have our eyes, ears, hearts, and lives opened in new ways. Although many are tired of hearing “new normal” we can see that 2020 has changed our lives in ways we may never have wanted, nor expected, and that every day brings with it a “new normal” way of living.

This Advent, may we spend time looking back over this year with 20/20 hindsight while we open our eyes, ears, hearts, and lives to allow God to reveal Himself to us.