Ann Wright (OLIH Parishioner) writes:

Let God be Your GPS in Life

The Art of Living. Ever feel as if life is a beautiful masterpiece with every decision and plan falling into place? Then other times it looks like we threw a bucket of paint on a canvas – messy and all over the place?

How do we figure out what we want our life to look like and the legacy we want to leave? There seems to be a roadmap for just about everything. If you want a degree, go to college. If you want to learn a trade, become an apprentice and study that vocation, if you want to go on vacation map it out; the list goes on and on.

I am a firm believer in beginning with the end in mind. Until a few years ago when I heard that statement the end usually related to a goal or project on which I’m focused. I'm guessing completing projects and achieving goals are important to you too. Yet what if there’s a bigger and more important end on which we are called to focus? What if you started with focusing on entering Heaven, spending eternity with God and helping others find their path to Heaven? What could be more important? What could be more overwhelming? What could be more daunting?

Where is the roadmap to Heaven?

How many times have you been told you are in control of your own destiny? You are in the driver’s seat and are responsible for your own life, happiness, and well-being. Ultimately to a degree, you are in control.  You have choices. God gave us free will.

However, have you ever taken time to ask yourself what is and where is the roadmap to Heaven?  I don't know that we have all the answers…but what if we are open and let God guide us in this journey? Let him be our G.P.S. having confidence and faith that he will provide strategies and strength to show us the way and how to paint your life's masterpiece.

Let's face it if you don’t know where you’re going it doesn’t much matter which path you take. So as we walk this journey together; I encourage you to prayerfully examine where God is in your life today, and ask yourself these questions: are you called to, or away from God and where do you want and need him to be?

In the English language being prudent means to be cautious. That makes perfect sense to me because I’m a conservative and cautious person. However digging deeper into the reading we learned that prudence, is practical wisdom, it directs all other virtues. So how do we acquire the wisdom which will guide us in doing the right thing?

Counsel, judgment, and experience are the three principal components of Prudence. Where do we learn these and how can they serve you in creating the life God wants for you?

Information is everywhere; the key is knowing where to find that which will support you in making the right decisions. Someone said, if you’re the smartest person in the room you’re in the wrong room.  We all make mistakes and one of the biggest mistakes we can make is thinking we have to do this on our own.

In this day and age we are encouraged to stand on our own two feet and figure it out on our own. We think it’s weak to ask for help. It's true we have to learn by doing and through our mistakes we do learn. We can also learn by having the courage to ask for guidance, support, and information from those who have more experience and wisdom. Ever find yourself being impulsive only going with your gut because for whatever reason you don’t want to take the time to look into the issue? Me too. We think we don’t have time to research yet in reality we don’t have time not to.

Do you find yourself letting your passion and emotions lead you? I do. Have you found yourself saying yes out of guilt instead of a generous heart? I have. I don’t want to let people down. However when you stop, think, and consider all angles, sometimes saying no to one thing, is yes, to something else. Take time to weigh the gravity of your decision and how it will affect you and others. 

Do you base decisions on not only doing things right but doing the right thing? I know it's a cliché, but it's true. It's not always easy doing the right thing because sometimes we're torn by doing the right thing and doing what we want to do. In a world full of activities, opportunities, social media and F.O.M.O. (Fear of Missing Out) on what do we base our decisions: for example, getting up and attending Church or a faith study group or attending a social activity or sleeping in and getting an extra hour of sleep?

I work to make decisions on what I've learned in faith sharing groups, books (The Bible is a great place to start, as is this book), videos, (especially Father Mike Schmitz), daily inspirations (Matthew Kelly), the Golden Rule, Ten Commandments, and the church. Lessons also come from making mistakes. However instead of beating ourselves up, what if we remembered to ask ourselves we what learned? To this day when our son makes a mistake, my question is this: "So what did you learn from it?"

Once we have the foundation and know what to do, then the hard part starts: choosing to act and make decisions using good judgment. Every. Single. Day. Sometimes we delay making a decision even if we know it's the right one to make. Why do you delay making a decision you know is right? Sometimes is fear of failure. I like to think of the word F.A.I.L. as this: First Attempt In Learning. Other times we withdraw from fully carrying out our decision – Deciding that attending Church weekly is important and then choosing to go somewhere else instead of Church. Seems like an easy decision. It is not. Society pulls us in many directions.

Find your purpose in life and start with the end in mind. It will help you when making decisions. Jesus knew his purpose. He committed to dying on the cross to save us. That end "goal" was what supported him in every decision he made especially during the tough times. He kept his confidence in God and knew he was doing the right thing.

As in the song by Matthew West, Truth Be Told, God knows we aren’t fine so we may as well admit it and ask for help. 

Lean on others. Lean on God. Let go of the life you’ve planned and enjoy the life today and beyond this life that God has planned for you. God will provide you with the strength and strategies you need.

Your Sister in Christ,


 Reading plan:  

  • Monday, January 23-Friday, January 27 – Prudence 

  • Monday, January 30 – Friday, February 3 – Fortitude 

  • Monday, February 6 – Friday, February 10 – Temperance 

  • Monday, February 13 – Friday, February 17 - Justice