Scripture Reflection with Deacon Richard Fetterman

Deacon Richard Fetterman

In the Gospel reading for this 3rd Sunday of Advent we are told “the people were filled with expectation” (Luke 3:15). On this Gaudate Sunday our spiritual life is filled with spiritual rejoicing and expectation at the coming of the Christ child. 

As we continue our Advent journey and as the spiritual life within us continues to grow and develop we begin to see and feel the changes that are taking place within us. We began as a barely imperceptible feeling is now becoming tangible.  We can see it and we are filled with rejoicing and expectation.

But now is not the time to rest. This time of rejoicing and expectation should be motivation to redouble our efforts in preparation for the arrival of Christ. We need to put the finishing touches on the spiritual room we are making for ourselves.

We need to reenergize our spiritual life by taking “spiritual vitamins” and feeding ourselves with good and whole ingredients, which will include continued daily prayer, daily mediation on our spiritual development (like the Examen), and making a concerted effort to attend Mass whenever possible so that Christ can continue to feed and nourish you in the Eucharist.

So, today, reflect and rejoice at the spiritual developments you have been able to achieve thus far. Continue to work on nourishing and developing the spiritual life within you. Make the preparations necessary to welcome Christ  fully into your hearts with a spiritual rebirth in the Christmas season. Today, we are filled with expectation on how that rebirth will look and feel.


  • What line stood out to you most from today’s Gospel (Luke 3:10-18)? Why?

  • How can the readings and reflections offer you comfort or inspire you this day?