The Inner Life

Sharing our witness of God and listening to the witness & experiences of others grows community and support in Christ.

Growing in our interior life isn’t always a step-by-step growth from small and hidden to fully formed and active in the world.  Rather, we may find ourselves in various stages throughout our life – not linear, but all the same, deeper and more intimate.

God’s initiative and our cooperation with grace means that though we may feel at times that we’ve taken a step “backwards,” we may seek comfort in God’s presence and gentle affirmations to be with “what is real” in our experience of living faith. 

Feeling and noticing changes in the movements of our inner life is the key. As we grow in awareness of these movements, they can all (at any stage) be occasions for a deepening of the love and friendship that God desires to share with each of us.    


The Life Within You Letters

They kept taking you out of the room for tests, but I was always super aware of the lack of your presence, counting the moments until you returned. The nurses were amazing; they helped us to learn how to take care of you & answered our 101 questions about everything. Everyone celebrated you and us – nurses,     doctors, family and friends – there was an endless sense of community.  

When we arrived home earlier today I was aware of how nothing will ever be the same again.  The support and assistance we received in the hospital is  missing at home.  We are your parents and it’s on your daddy and I to take care of you and raise you to be the person God created you to be. 

I will come to know in the months and years ahead that we are not alone in this; there are other moms and dads out there to walk with us, and us with them. We are not isolated or alone on our journey of raising our family. Another reality we will face in the future is the memory of the labor and birthing pain subsides and we are again open to new life; that is how our family continues to grow. 


  • What is it like for you to share in other’s powerful experience of God?  How does that build community for you?


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