The Inner Life

In the Gospel of John Jesus said, “ sheep hear my voice” (John 10:27).  As Jesus explains the parable of the Good Shepherd, He shares that there is such intimacy between God and us that we can come to know the difference between God’s voice and the many other voices competing for our attention.   

 As a baby in utero begins to recognize the voice of their mother as well as others close to the mother, a deep bonding take root.  Our inner life offers us an opportunity to grow in recognition and love of God’s voice within.  

Sometimes we listen and receive while other times we speak and offer God our praises, petitions and experience consolation in knowing that such a conversational relationship is one of mutual satisfaction and trust.   


The Life Within You Letters

Mom, I love to move! I hear you and dad talking to me and I want to kick and dance around. My space is a bit more cramped lately, not as much space to move around in. I keep getting bigger. 

My brain has been active lately! I’m already learning – I know the sound of your voice so when I come out and meet you I will know your voice, and daddy’s. 

My brain keeps developing so that my body will know how to naturally respond once I’m out of your body and in your arms, like how to breathe on my own when you no longer supply my oxygen.  

-Your constantly growing little one! 


  • Have you ever felt you were outgrowing your current prayer routine or feeling ready to go deeper with your spirituality?  How did you adjust?  

Additional Resources:

  • My Sheep Hear My Voice (by Tracy Earl Welliver) The power of your stewardship is great, for by utilizing your gifts, you determine if you will draw closer to God or wander away from God.

  • The Three Stages of Awakening by Fr. Antonius Wall, posted on Catholic Education Resource Center. The clearest illustration of the nature of the spiritual journey to God is found in the development of relations between Jesus and his followers.

  • Rachel’s Vineyard Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.