The Inner Life

If we’ve become accustomed to enjoying the presence of God within, we may experience periods of silence or the perception of God’s inactivity in us with worry.  As our spiritual life becomes more substantial, as we ourselves grow in the recognition of God being with us, we may also come to a         realization that we have little control, perhaps no control over what lies ahead.

How amazing that this reality can be simultaneously relieving as well as troubling.   Our own hunger for all that will serve this relationship grows as well as our fatigue found in the act of pouring our life out as a gift for God and others.  

Sometimes we get “a glimpse” of what is to come and we can see that what lies ahead is “beautiful, amazing, and...perfect,” precisely    because God is the one at work in us.  


The Life Within You Letters

Finally, we have reached 20 weeks and your daddy and I were able to see you again in the ultrasound.  You have grown so much in the last few weeks! You are beautiful, you are amazing, and you are perfect! I see why my body is tired and why I am so hungry – look at you, your mouth and your nose, your arms and legs, your tiny fingers and toes! Months ago I felt a flutter, but today I feel YOU moving inside of me as you continue to grow bigger and stronger. I still get a little worried when you aren’t moving much. Keep growing little one, we can't wait to meet you! 

  • How do you believe God sees you and how does that affect the way you see   yourself?   

Feast of the Immaculate Conception! Tomorrow (Wednesday) is a Holy Day of Obligation as we observe & celebrate the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mother - that Mary was conceived without sin to be a perfect mother for Jesus the Christ.

MASS will be celebrated at 8:30am & 6:30pm. There is NO Faith Formation classes for Grades 6-8. (Grades 1-5 WILL still meet)

Additional Resources:

  • Psalm 139: All Life is Precious (by Lilia Olsick, Clarifying Catholicism) A deep look at the Psalm quote in today’s blog, a vibrant and comprehensive at this Psalm.

  • The Gabriel Project. The Gabriel Project® offers hope and assistance to any woman experiencing a crisis pregnancy. We respect all life and see the birth of each child as a fresh expression of the unfailing love of God. Our concern is not only for the unborn child, but also for each and every mother in need.

  • Slideshow of Fetal Development in the Womb (WebMD) Photos & descriptions of the incredible progress made every few days & weeks during a pregnancy.