The Inner Life

God takes note and delights in the development of our inner life!  Like the formation of bones in a growing baby, things may begin to feel more solid in our inner life.  We may move from the more subtle noticing that “something is different,” into a place where the very life of God seems to circulate more freely in our being. 

We have a sense that we are “becoming” and that our formation is     ongoing and anticipate that there is more in store for us.  We may feel moved to ask God: What do you see happening in me? 

While we don’t know what is in store, or what may be coming next, God’s grace may provide a trust that God has and always knows the “shape” of our days.   

The Life Within You Letters

Mom, Mom, Mom! I’m so excited! I have legs and feet and toes, and arms and hands and fingers – I can’t wait to run to you and hug you in my arms, to run my fingers in your hair! I can open and close my hands and as my body keeps developing, I like to move around.  I’m so excited! I think I just peed – I did! I did just pee!  

By the way I know if I am a boy or girl, I could tell you but wouldn’t you rather wait and be surprised? 

Love your little peapod.  


  • When you consider or reflect on the reality of your “inner life”, how have you experienced God with you, loving you, or speaking to you?

Additional Resources:

  • The Gift of Contemplative Prayer by Margaret Silf (Loyola Press)

  • InnerVisions Healthcare in Des Moines InnerVisions HealthCare is a faith-based provider of free and compassionate medical care services, education, resources and support for women and their families facing crisis pregnancies, empowering themselves to make life-affirming decisions.

  • How Big is My Baby (Week by Week Comparison) by BabyCenter . We see the little peapod reference above! Seeing the comparisons can be a helpful (& fun) way to understand the size of the new life, for the parents, siblings, and extended family members!