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Wounded Body of Christ

From: Tuesday, February 5 6:30 PM
To: Friday, February 15 7:30 PM

Since the most recent sexual abuse scandal in Pennsylvania the church has been left hurting. The choices of a few have left many angry, hurt, confused and most of all wounded. In October, while our emotions were still raw from this wound, we as a parish prayed together for those affected by the abuse. Just as when a person is grieving, true healing conversation can only happen as the raw emotions have begun to subside. So now is our time to begin to come together in small groups to pray, to enter into Scripture, to share and to identify our role as laity within the healing of our church.

This February we are offering three groups (facilitated by our three deacon couples and staff members) using The Wounded Body of Christ by Matthew Halbach Ph.D for people who are looking for healing within themselves and healing within the church. Groups will meet four times at 90 minutes each time:

These sessions will be times of communal prayer, entering into Scripture, reflection and sharing.  Sometimes there are no answers for the things that wound our hearts and souls, but joining together in an attempt to heal and move forward gives us hope and an opportunity to help shape our future!

Due to the nature of these conversations, each group’s size is limited. Groups are full at this time!

¨ Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:00pm, starting February 5 (Steve & Myrna Udelhofen) GROUP IS FULL

¨ Friday afternoons, 1:00-2:30pm starting February 8 (Greg & Vicki Kolbinger)

¨ Monday evenings, starting February 25 (Jeff & Beth Boehlert) GROUP IS FULL

If you are interested in having this conversation but were not able to participate in these groups, please contact Patty Mayer in the office click here to email or call 515.964.3038

Wounded Body of Christ