“What they’re talking about is simply opening the doors of our homes and inviting others in – giving the lonely, the lost, the weak, the hungry, the struggling, the searching, the stranger, and the friend an opportunity to experience the love of God through the love we show to them” (page 132).

I tell people that hospitality is not one of my gifts – but when I read this chapter, I realize that even though I might not think to offer you something to eat or drink, I want you to come in and share your story with me!  This chapter reminds me of the hospitality of Martha and Mary.  I used to do Martha pretty well, but have become more of a Mary – sitting with my guests and enjoying them for who they are.  

This Lent we will focus on fasting, but during the Easter season, we will return to feasting!  We are planning a Parish-wide Progressive dinner on Sunday, April 15th.  This will be an evening of moving from one house for appetizers, to a second house for dinner and then all participants coming together at the church for dessert!  If you are a person with the gift of hospitality consider being a host house for us!  Watch the bulletin and updates as we begin or search – or email me now and let me know that you would be interested!  What a great way to share your gift of hospitality and open your doors to … “the lonely, the lost, the weak, the hungry, the struggling, the searching, the stranger, and the friend an opportunity to experience the love of God through the love we show to them."