Read: Mark 2:1-12

Read the scripture. Who are you? Are you the paralytic or one of the friends? Are you a scribe, or are you in the crowd? Are you Jesus?

Read it again and imagine yourself in the story.  Use all of your senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.  Notice any feelings that come up – frightened or excited, happy or angry – feelings are an important indicator of what is happening inside of us. Explore your feelings and see where they take you.  Immerse yourself into the storyline, allowing the spirit to guide you. 

Some of my own examples:

  • Through my divorce I was often the paralytic, carried to Jesus by many.

  • Sometimes I’m a grumbling scribe. Jesus knows my heart even if I don’t say anything out loud.

Who are you in the story today?  What is Jesus trying to tell you? What do you want to talk with Jesus about?

Patty Mayer, Director of Adult Faith Formation